International Underwater Spearfishing Association
World Record  
109.0 kg. ,   240.3 lbs.
Tuna, Dogtooth    Gymnosarda unicolor
Record Category: Men Speargun

Diver: John Pengelly
Date: 9/18/2014

We left the jetty at 6am and returned to a similar spot as the day before to look for wahoo. There was very few Wahoo today though and all was pretty quiet for the morning. we decided to check one edge of the reef for dogtooth tuna before we went back in. We jumped in the water and started swimming towards the drop off which took about 30mins. soon as we found the drop off 2 doggies came in to have a look at my flasher, one was very big. I duck dived and swum down the flasher, the doggie started to move deeper so i continued to glide down towards it and got in range at 28m. I aimed for the brain and pulled the trigger, he kicked just as i had done so causing the shaft to land in his back. He dived for the bottom with my 30m hardline and foam float flying past me at about 15m and my bungee strecthed out tight. Not 100% confident on the shot i didnt touch my float and let the bungee do its work. soon after my 1x riffe 2 atmosphere got dragged under and dissapeared. 5 minutes later it re appeared and slowly made its way back to the surface. i gently played the doggie towards the surface. once it was closer to the surface i could see the slip tip was only engaged on the inside of its skin. Though he was already bloated i didnt want this fish to slip of and sink into the deep so i asked for a second shot gun. Brandon gave me his gun which i knew had to be reloaded by myself after reading the IUSA regulations after shooting my wahoo the day before so i quickly done so and dived on the doggie putting a kill shot in the back of its head and out its jaw stoning it. I brought the fish to the surface and it was done, we took photos then i handed it to the captain who had help from gerard grave dragging it over the side into the boat. We then left to weigh the fish and take measurments stopping for a quick photo in the lagoon on the way in.
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